Gaming companies from Russia should attract private investment, and not ask for support from the state. This was stated by the Deputy head of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation Maxim Parshin in the framework of the SPIEF.

“It makes sense to fill some things, gray areas [of the Russian video game sector] at the expense of public investment, but these are exceptions and very specific projects related, for example, to simulators. Everything else is the market and investments here should not be state-owned. We proceed from the fact that there is money on the market, there are projects, there are developers. That is, there is everything to ensure that projects do not develop at the expense of state investments,” Parshin said.

By gray zones, Parshin means software for game development, which has no Russian analogues. According to the deputy head of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, it is less than 10%.

Parshin added that the Russian authorities had rarely supported gaming companies before: “Until recently, state support was based on the principle of “do not interfere.” That is, “do not touch what was already developing dynamically.”


