Baldur’s Gate 3 took ninth place in the top games on Steam with the largest online in history, Valve demanded to stop monetizing custom modes for Dota 2, the circulation of the Metal Gear series exceeded 60 million copies — we tell you what happened in the gaming industry over the weekend.

▪️Steam users are actively playing Baldur’s Gate 3. Since the release, the title has steadily grown peak online, and by the evening of August 6, it reached 814,666 people. As a result, Baldur’s Gate 3 was able to take the ninth place in the list of games on Steam with the largest number of simultaneous users of all time, displacing Goose Goose Duck, online which at one time exceeded 702 thousand people. The eighth place is now held by Hogwarts Legacy with an online population of 879 thousand people.

The head of Larian Studios, Sven Vincke, admitted on Twitter that he did not expect such a stir around Baldur’s Gate 3. He expected that the maximum online Steam version of the game would be about 100 thousand people.

Developers of custom modes for Dota 2 have received letters from Valve lawyers demanding to stop monetization in their projects. The company pointed out that the license of the Dota Workshop toolkit, which is used by developers, prohibits making money on the created content. The lawyers also demanded to disclose the scale of monetization of custom modes, broken down by region and payment methods. Everything must be done by August 17.

Embracer Group has closed the Campfire Cabal studio as part of the restructuring of the holding. It was opened in September 2022 and was working on an unannounced RPG. Recall that the Embracer Group announced plans to get rid of a number of studios in June shortly after its $2 billion deal fell through. At the same time, she announced that she would cancel several games, layoffs, publish games from third-party companies less often and focus on her own titles.

Launched in 1987, the Metal Gear series has sold over 60 million copies (as of June 30, 2023). Konami mentioned this in a document dedicated to the work of the Digital Entertainment division. It is not specified how many copies were made for individual games in the series.