Platforma has released a study on the attitude of Russian gamers to game purchases, the US Department of Justice has begun preparing for a trial with Apple, and Netflix has decided to add social features to its games — we tell you what happened in the gaming industry this weekend.

Since the end of February, 55% of Russian gamers have become less likely to buy games, according to a Platforma study. The company also found out that 15% of 1,231 respondents refused purchases for “principled reasons” after some publishers and developers left Russia.

Politico journalists learned that the US Department of Justice plans to file an antitrust lawsuit against Apple. It is reported that he is not satisfied with the payment rules of the App Store and the degree of Apple’s control over iOS in general. However, the Ministry has not yet made a final decision and may change its mind about going to court.

▪️ spoke about the situation on the mobile market in Australia. According to analysts, in the first quarter of 2022, Australians spent an average of 4.6 hours a week on mobile apps (+35%). The most downloaded apps were games.

▪️Vivek Sharma, who headed the Horizon VR direction in Meta*, has left the company. He stated that he did it because of the career prospects that opened up before him. Whether the low—quality screenshot of Mark Zuckerberg‘s avatar in Horizon Worlds affected the decision, Sharma did not say.

▪️As Deadline reports, Netflix has closed the Resident Evil series. The reason was low views — three weeks after the premiere, the show disappeared from the top 10 most popular series.

The TechCrunch portal noticed that Netflix has added new features related to games. For example, now users of the service can create unique aliases for games and invite other users to play.

*The organization’s activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation.