Immediately after the news of the closure of Fntastic studio, which developed The Day Before, the game was withdrawn from sale. Most likely, it was done by the publisher, MYTONA company.

Last night was stormy for those who followed the situation around The Day Before.

  • It all started with the news about the closure of the Fntastic developer studio.
  • Around the same time, a screenshot of a message from Eduard Gotovtsev, one of the co-founders of Fntastic, was leaked to the network. According to him, the game sold 200 thousand copies at the start. The percentage of refunds is about 50%.

  • At midnight, the media drew attention to the fact that The Day Before was withdrawn from sale. The game's Steam page is still available, but the game cannot be purchased.
  • Immediately, MYTONA made an official statement about the unsuccessful release of the game. In it, the company apologized to the players and noted that it is working to ensure that any player can make a refund at will. It also follows from the statement that MYTONA is in talks with Fntastic about the future of the game.

  • Already this morning, Fntastic posted a message on the social network X, in which she stated that she had not received and would not receive a single cent from The Day Before sales. The day before, the studio announced that all the money earned would be used to repay debts to the investor. MYTONA was officially the studio's investor. She also manages the IP.
  • Under Fntastic's latest post, X users started shaming the developers. In response to one of these comments, the representative stated the following: "This is our first major experience. Shit happens."

The Day Before is the fifth Fntastic game. Before her, the Yakutia-based company developed and launched games such as The Wild Eight, Dead Dozen, Radian One and Propnight. Only the minimalistic Radian One has a high rating on Steam (75% positive reviews).
