Based on the results of 2023, only one hyper-casual novelty made it into the top 50 most downloaded mobile games, reports the analytical service AppMagic. This is Burger Please!, published by the South Korean company Supercent. Representatives of Supercent shared with AppMagic what they are doing to promote the game.

Burger Please!

To start with, a few figures. According to AppMagic's estimates, since its release in February 2023, Burger Please! has garnered over 84 million downloads. The game isn't being downloaded as actively now as it was at launch, but it's still doing quite well. Burger Please! receives about 2 million downloads per month.

Download trends for Burger Please!

  • Supercent stated that as part of the UA strategy, Burger Please! analyzes competitors' creatives daily. They gather information about the target audience and seek sources of inspiration.
  • The company itself uses both video ads and playable ads for the game.
  • In their ads, Supercent aims to convey the emotions that Burger Please! evokes in users within the first few seconds of gameplay.
  • Supercent places Burger Please! ads in applications with high LTV, ROAS, retention, and long sessions.
  • The company focuses on working with small advertising networks. This approach allows them to reach different user groups and provides greater flexibility in managing the advertising budget. Additionally, marketers strive primarily to expand reach, rather than obtaining immediate downloads.


