In the USA, the number of age gamers continues to increase. According to an AARP study, in 2022, 45% of Americans aged 50 and older played video games at least once a month. Four years ago it was 44%, and eight years ago it was 38%.

The time that age gamers spend playing games has also increased. They started playing an average of 12 hours a week. In 2019, they played an average of 8.5 hours a week.

At the same time, age gamers have become more economical. In the first half of 2022, they spent an average of $49 on games – $15 less than at the same time in 2019.

In 2022, 84% of gamers over the age of 50 played on smartphones, 53% — on PCs, and 28% — on consoles (respondents could choose several answer options at the same time).

The three most popular genres are puzzles (73%), card games and knuckle games (69%), word games (58%).

The 50-plus gamer of today and tomorrow
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