Investors of the Polish studio Starward Industries were disappointed by the reviews of the gaming press on The Invincible — a science fiction thriller based on the novel by Stanislaw Lem (Stanisław Lem) "Invincible". On November 3, developer shares were trading as cheap as ever.

As noted by the Bankier publication, on Friday morning, shares of Starward Industries could be bought at a price of 38.5 zloty ($9.27) apiece. This is 20.4% cheaper than the day before, and 70% cheaper than at the peak in July.

Currently, The Invincible's rating on Metacritic is 71 out of 100 on PlayStation 5 and 69 out of 100 on PC.

The press praises the thriller for the graphics, the beautiful world and the atmosphere of retrofuturism: the game has very picturesque views, and sometimes you just want to stop to look at the landscapes. However, some reviewers called The Invincible a boring walking simulator, the narrative in which is monotonous and drawn out.

As for whether this is a good adaptation of the book, opinions are divided. Some publications considered that Starward Industries managed to convey the spirit of the original well, others advise not to play, but to read Lem.

The Invincible will be released on November 6 on PC, PlayStation and Xbox.

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