In early April, the space survival game The Planet Crafter reached its release after two years of early access on Steam. In a conversation with the GameDiscoverCo team, the indie studio Miju Games disclosed the game's metrics and compared the results before and after the full release.

The Planet Crafter

  • During the early access period (March 2022 - April 2024), Steam users purchased 730 thousand copies of The Planet Crafter.
  • Sales dynamics during early access: on the first day, sales amounted to 33 thousand copies; by the end of the first week, 102 thousand copies; and by the end of the first month, 240 thousand copies.
  • After the release, sales pace increased. On the premiere day alone, the game sold 37 thousand copies. By the end of the first release week, sales reached 135 thousand copies, and by the end of the first release month, 260 thousand copies.
  • As of mid-June, The Planet Crafter had sold 1.07 million copies.
  • Before the start of early access, The Planet Crafter had 241 thousand wishlists; before the release, it had 750 thousand wishlists.
  • After the release, the active audience notably increased. During early access, the game's DAU was 10 thousand people and MAU was 55 thousand people, but now these figures have risen to 57 thousand and 107 thousand people, respectively.
  • The top 10 markets for The Planet Crafter sales are the USA (29%), Germany (11%), China (7%), France (6%), the United Kingdom (5%), Russia (4%), Canada (4%), Japan (4%), Turkey (3%), and Australia (3%).


