On July 20, a Punch Club 2: Fast Forward fighter simulator was released on PC and consoles. According to the tinyBuild company that published the title, in 18 days it brought its creators $1.4 million in gross revenue.
Other numbers on the game:
sales of Punch Club 2 in the first two weeks exceeded sales of the original by 35% over the same period;
By the time of the release, Punch Club 2 was on the wish lists over 100 thousand times. Now the game has more than 200 thousand vishlist;
the number of Punch Club 2 pre—orders on PC and Xbox is more than 10 thousand;
tinyBuild did not say how many copies of the game have been sold to date. However, she noted that 24.5% of sales were in Asia and 15.1% of sales were in the USA. For comparison: the first Punch Club had a 5% share of initial sales in Asia, and a 27% share in the USA%;
The peak online Punch Club 2 on Steam was 5,509 people. The rating of the game on Steam is 80%.