In October-November 2024, the Creative Industries Agency (CIA) accepted applications from Moscow companies for residency in the video game and animation cluster, which is being established in Skolkovo. The initiative attracted interest from just under 60 companies.
It is reported that “more than 35” applications were submitted by gaming companies, while another 20 were from animation studios. Not all will become residents. Candidates must go through a selection process, with the final stage taking place in the spring.
Let us remember, among the selection criteria are Moscow tax residency and having at least one completed project and one project in development in the portfolio.
The Moscow cluster positions itself as the first of its kind in Russia. Its establishment was announced last summer. The cluster is expected to officially open during 2025, but the exact date is still unknown.
The CIA added that cluster residents will be able to rent space at preferential rates. For example, the rent of one square meter for an office will cost them 1,200 rubles for the entire first year. Renting a coworking space will cost one ruble per month.