The Canadian Dynasty Loop has not paid its employees and contractors since January, four employees of the indie studio told the Polygon portal. To date, the company’s debts exceed $2 million.

According to Dynasty Loop employees, salary problems began in November last year. Then the studio management announced that it was forced to delay payments due to changes in the software used for financial tasks. In early January, the studio actually transferred the money earned for November and December to employees, but then stopped paying again.

In addition, in February, the management of Dynasty Loop demanded that employees return the equipment, but there was no talk of layoffs. The developers were also offered to sign an agreement, under the terms of which the studio promised (but did not guarantee) to pay off debts when it had the funds for it. Later, the management changed its mind and canceled the agreement.

It is reported that the “majority” of Dynasty Loop employees have filed a complaint with the Canadian Labor Inspectorate.

Dynasty Loop was founded in 2020 and has not managed to release a single game. She worked on NFT projects.


