As of September 30, 2024, 99% of LLC "Lesta," the Russian legal entity of Lesta Games, is owned by the company's co-founder, Malik Khatazhaev. For the past two years, this share was owned by the Chinese company Lesta Hong Kong Limited.

"World of Ships"

The change in main beneficiary was reported by the newspaper "Kommersant" with reference to the "SPARK-Interfax" database.

A representative from Lesta Games confirmed the reorganization to "Kommersant".

"Currently, changes in the corporate structure have been made to implement the company's long-term plans and priorities. […] Lesta Games considers the Russian market a priority area of operations," reads the statement from Lesta Games.

Recall, in July 2022, shortly after its exit from Russia and Belarus, the company Wargaming transferred to Khatazhaev 100% of the Russian LLC "Lesta" and 91.84% of the Belarusian CJSC "Game Stream." As noted by "Kommersant", in September of the same year, Khatazhaev transferred 99% of his share in the Russian business to Lesta Hong Kong Limited, which managed them until the current changes. As for the Belarusian business, all 100% of the CJSC "Game Stream" since September 2022 is owned not by Khatazhaev, but by LLC "Lesta".


