The M.Video-Eldorado Group shared data on console sales in Russia for the first half of the year. According to them, the demand for consoles in the country is growing at a tremendous pace.

  • According to M.Video-Eldorado, Russians spent 15.5 billion rubles on console purchases in six months. This is 97% more than in January-June 2023.
  • In the first half of 2024, M.Video-Eldorado sold a total of 704,000 consoles. This is a 39% increase compared to last year.
  • PlayStation 5 was the top seller of the half-year in M.Video-Eldorado in terms of both revenue and units. It accounted for 73% of all spending and 31% of all devices sold. It is noted that PlayStation console sales are currently growing steadily, while Xbox and Nintendo Switch sales are declining.
  • Representatives of Yandex Market told the Kommersant newspaper about a growth in console sales as well. Over the half-year period, sales on the platform increased by 176%. Whether this is in money or units was not specified. The most popular consoles were PlayStation.
  • Representatives of Wildberries told Kommersant that their users spent 77% more on console purchases over six months compared to last year. The exact amount was not disclosed.


