Lesta Games decided to prepare a series of books based on their games. We are talking about illustrated albums in which the company will tell in detail about the history of ships and tanks.

According to Lesta Games, working on her own books in such a subject was a natural step for her. Firstly, the company’s portfolio includes the games “World of Ships”, “World of Tanks” and Tanks Blitz. And secondly, she had previously released several documentaries.

The first book in the series has already been published. It is called “Sea Legends. Cruisers” and contains 600 illustrations. The stories in the book are accompanied by 3D reconstructions of ships and their drawings, as well as battle maps and portraits of famous figures.

As the company promises, it will be possible to find codes with in-game items for the “World of Ships” and “World of Tanks” in all its books.

Lesta Games launches its own book series
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