In 2012, two British developers Ashley Gwinnell and Nick Dymond opened a studio called Force of Habit. She managed to release eight games, among which were Toast Time and Sinking Feeling, before she closed indefinitely. In the official blog, Gwinnell told why he had to stop working.
There are two main reasons.
In 2016, Gwinnell remained the only developer in Force of Habit. Alone, it was difficult for him to make progress with the games. In addition, he did not receive investments. Three years ago, Gwinnell tried to repurpose the studio by doing videos for YouTube, but it did not bring much income.
A year ago, the Force of Habit Twitter account was hacked and began sending threats and insults from it. Soon the account was banned, and the studio could not get it back, despite the fact that it was its main channel of promotion.
Gwinnell noted that he will continue to play games, but he cannot say when he will return and whether he will return to Force of Habit.