The Chinese company NetEase also reported for the first quarter of 2024. Below are the key points from the report.

Identity V

  • NetEase's net revenue was 26.9 billion yuan ($3.7 billion), up 7.2% compared to the first quarter of 2023. The company's gross profit increased by 14.2% to 17 billion yuan ($2.4 billion).
  • NetEase's gaming division revenue was 21.5 billion yuan ($3 billion), an increase of 7%.
  • The share of mobile games in the division's revenue grew from 72.3% to 78.6% year-over-year, largely thanks to the success of Eggy Party.
  • Fantasy Westward Journey Mobile, released nine years ago, set a new record for quarterly revenue. NetEase did not disclose the figure.
  • The multiplayer horror game Identity V recently celebrated its sixth anniversary. Following the anniversary events, the game's daily active audience in May reached a record level.
  • Currently, NetEase has games like Marvel Rivals, Once Human, Where Winds Meet, and Naraka: Bladepoint Mobile in its pipeline.
NetEase Report for Q1 2024
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