Gaming companies around the world continue to cut staff, but not as actively as before. According to the Game Industry Layoffs portal, in July, the number of layoffs in the gaming industry totaled 368 people.

Destiny 2

Bungie laid off the most people. On July 31, they announced the dismissal of 220 employees, or 17% of their staff.

Top-5 gaming companies by number of layoffs in July:

1. Bungie — 220 people;
2. NetherRealm Studios — 50 people;
3. Humble Games — 36 people;
4. Rumble Games — 35 people;
5. Wicked Games — 15 people.

It is important to note that the real scale of layoffs in the industry is greater. In their statistics, Game Industry Layoffs did not indicate how many people were let go from some companies. For example, the portal did not specify the number of layoffs from Splash Damage and Lively Studio. Additionally, their data did not include layoffs from Flying Sheep Studios—let's recall, the studio closed after ten years of operation, resulting in more than 80 people losing their jobs.

According to Game Industry Layoffs' estimates, gaming companies have laid off a total of 11,620 employees since the beginning of the year.


Game Industry Layoffs
