Ray Roocroft, who worked for seven years at Cloud Imperium Games (CIG) on the Star Citizen game, spoke on Reddit about the situation inside the studio. According to him, the management pays too much attention to the design of offices and spends too much money on it.

The main thing from Rookroft ‘s publication:

▪️The developers of Star Citizen are very talented. They have created “revolutionary” technologies and tools that will be used in games for generations to come.;

▪️CIG incorrectly approached the definition of the game development strategy and poorly estimated the revenue it receives from gamers. The studio needs to change its attitude to the project so that Star Citizen has a future;

▪️CIG has spent too much money on the design of offices. According to Rookroft’s estimates, the cost of some of the works of art in the offices is comparable to the salaries of several developers at once. In addition, some of the furniture costs so much that two workplaces can be fully staffed for the same amount;

▪️Apparently, CIG is in financial trouble right now. Recently, CIG froze the hiring of employees and started layoffs;

Rookroft called for voting with his wallet and stated that he would not spend a cent on the game until its release.

Recall that last week, Star Citizen’s crowdfunding campaign fees reached $600 million.


