Aldora is a new analytics company launched in early 2024 by Joost van Dreunen, the founder of the now-closed SuperData. The company recently published a forecast for the interactive entertainment market for the year 2025.

Revenue of the Interactive Entertainment Market from 2020-2025, according to Aldora

To start, it is important to note that Aldora includes the following segments in this market: video games, gaming hardware, gaming accessories, esports, streaming, and innovative interactive technologies such as VR.

Key Takeaways from the Report

  • According to Aldora, the market revenue in 2025 will be $250.2 billion, which is a 4.61% increase from 2024.
  • The majority of the revenue will come from video games — $196.6 billion (+5.7%). Of this, mobile games will account for $115.7 billion, console games for $46.8 billion, and PC games for $34 billion.
  • The second-largest segment will be gaming hardware and accessories — $41.8 billion (-0.47%). It is noted that console sales are expected to drop by 11% to $13 billion.
  • The revenue from the segment of innovative interactive technologies will be $7.4 billion (+8.8%), with VR projects leading at $3.8 billion, followed by web games ($2.9 billion) and blockchain games ($0.7 billion).
  • Revenue from streaming platforms is expected to be $4.4 billion (+2.4%), while esports revenue will be $0.16 billion (-8.3%).


GameDev Reports
