Also among the leaders are games with mixed reality support and simulators," the report of the agency company Curran Games Agency says.

The full version of the study is under lock and key. They're asking $2,500 for it. However, game analyst Simon Carless was allowed to share some facts from it in his excerpt.

So, according to the excerpt:

The median revenue of VR fighting games in the Oculus Quest Store is $ 1.5 million, but the number of available games in this genre is quite small;

The opposite is the case with action and adventure games — there are relatively many of them in the store, but the median revenue of games in these genres is less than a million dollars;

It is difficult for even notable new products to earn money on the site: none of the third-party titles released in 2023 on the Quest Store reached the $10 million mark;

Assassin's Creed Nexus VR, Breachers and Dungeons Of Eternity came closest to this figure, earning from seven to three million dollars;

At the same time, such "evergreen" titles as Golf+ and Blade & Sorcery: Nomad continue to sell well (the revenue of both titles has already exceeded $ 100 million over the entire period of operation).

Also, based on the data from the Curran Games Agency, you can independently analyze the situation in the Oculus Quest Store.

The fact is that the study mentions:

On average, every 108 players rated the app in the store, if we are talking about titles in 2021, every 101 players in titles in 2022 and every 71 players in 2023.

Based on this, Carless notes that many of the new items from last year fought fiercely to sell at least 25-50 thousand copies.

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