Steam is seeing an increasing number of successful games with the word "Simulator" in their titles. Gaming expert Simon Carless analyzed all the projects released since July 2023 that he classified under the subgenre "X Simulator" and compiled a list of bestsellers.

Supermarket Simulator

Based on data from the GameDiscoverCo service, Carless calculated that the median gross revenue of such games on Steam is $70,000. Median sales range from 5,000 to 7,000 copies.

Top 10 highest-grossing new releases of the past year in the "X Simulator" subgenre on Steam:

1. Supermarket Simulator — $22.2 million and 2.15 million copies;
2. Kebab Chefs! — Restaurant Simulator — $3.5 million and 242,800 copies;
3. Thief Simulator 2 — $2.78 million and 176,200 copies;
4. Goat Simulator 3 — $2 million and 145,800 copies;
5. Gunsmith Simulator — $1.78 million and 115,100 copies;
6. Drug Dealer Simulator 2 — $1.76 million and 86,900 copies*;
7. Desynced: Autonomous Colony Simulator — $1.75 million and 72,500 copies;
8. Ship Graveyard Simulator 2 — $1.63 million and 103,600 copies;
9. Taxi Life: A City Driving Simulator — $1.52 million and 56,200 copies;
10. Pumping Simulator 2 — $1.2 million and 76,100 copies.

*Previously, the publisher of Drug Dealer Simulator 2 reported 100,000 copies sold.


