The creators of the open-source engine Godot have released version 4.3. It contains more than 3,500 changes made by 521 developers.

Among the main new features:

  • Three new audio resources have been added. They allow the creation of dynamic sound that adapts to what is happening in the game and changes depending on the context;
  • The ability to interpolate 2D physics has been introduced;
  • The Godot team has completely revamped the visual shader editor. It is now easier to work with large and complex shader graphs. For example, nodes in the graph structure can now be colored differently depending on their category. Two new types of nodes have also been added—reroute and frame;
  • Support for single-threaded web export has returned. It was missing since the release of Godot 4;
  • Support for Direct3D 12 has been added;
  • Experimental support for the Wayland protocol for Linux and BSD is now available.

More details about the new version of the engine can be read on the Godot website.


