Finnish mobile gaming studio PlayRaven managed to attract additional seed investments in the amount of $4.1 million. Thus, the amount of funds invested in the company since 2013 has reached $7.5 million.


Investors include Northzone, Creandum and London Venture Partners, as well as business angel Jari Ovaskainen.

Seed investments imply that funds are invested in the company not for certain projects, but for possible development prospects. Investors hope that the Finnish studio will be able to get on the same level with such giants of the mobile gaming industry as Rovio or Supercell with the help of the money received.

Lasse Seppänen, the studio’s executive director, made a loud statement: “The mobile gaming industry is experiencing stagnation. The market of games for smartphones and tablets is larger in volume than television, and nevertheless, all revenue goes to titles that have exceeded 18-24 months. <…> We promise both our investors and the audience that we will be able to create something original – something that will force the mobile market out of its comfort zone.”



Let’s add that PlayRaven has already managed to launch one fairly successful project: their shareware game Spymaster was released in September.

The studio’s management claims that the title managed to take first place in the “Strategy” category among iPad games in 99 countries. However, according to App Annie, neither the USA nor Russia were among them.

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PlayRaven is a game studio founded in 2013 in Helsinki by people from Rockstar Games, Supercell and Unity. The first (and only as of the end of 2014) title was Spymaster, a strategy for iPad.
