Despite the fact that venture funds are not very fond of investing in the mobile gaming business, considering it an unnecessarily risky area, some developers are lucky. One of the lucky ones the other day was the Scottish Outplay.

The company received $5 million in the last round of financing. Most of it was invested by Oxford Capital Fund, Pentech and Scottish Investment Bank also took part.

The money will go, as representatives of Outplay said, to attract people and resources to create new projects.

Outplay is not on the radar today, but the company is interesting. It was founded in 2011 by the Haer brothers. In three years, she has launched six projects, the most successful of them is the Monster Legacy butler, which received the Editor’s Choice App Store this May in several countries. In addition, Outplay is included in the Facebook – Mobile Games Publishing program, which is designed to help small and medium-sized teams in publishing mobile games on the global market (free promotion in exchange for part of the earnings, in a nutshell).

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