Yesterday, the Swedish publisher Zordix acquired the Invictus Games studio. The latter develops games for consoles, PC and mobile devices.

Give It Up!
This transaction is reported on the official website of Zordix.

Now the company owns 100% of the developer’s shares and all its IP, including mobile Give It Up! (71 million installations) and Froggy Jump (14 million installations). At the same time, the purchase amount is unknown.

The presence of Invictus in the Zordix AB group made the publisher an international company. The staff controlled by him has doubled to 50 people.

“Invictus is important to us as one of the acquisitions made for further growth. Its purchase has doubled our development staff and added 50 released games to our portfolio plus several new ones that are being developed right now,” said Zordix CEO Matti Larsson

About Invictus

Hungarian studio Invictus Games has been developing games since the 90s. Her games cover a wide range of platforms. She started with titles for PC, at the end of the noughties she began to actively develop iOS games, and later a number of her games (for example, Dustoff) appeared on Android and the current generation of consoles.

Note that Invictus is particularly attracted to racing simulators. Her portfolio includes, among others, the desktop Insane and Street Legal (created together with Activision), as well as the mobile Race Of Champions and Daytona Rush.

As mentioned above, she is currently developing new games. First of all, they are designed for PCs and consoles, since Zordix specializes in these platforms.

About Zordix

Zordix AB is a Swedish publisher and developer. He is also engaged in racing simulators within the Zordix Racing brand. Another direction of the company is working with indie studios and the globalization of their projects. For this purpose, she launched a special division of Zordix Publishing.

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