The gaming results of 2020 were summed up by Odnoklassniki. The social network reported that the total payments to all developers over the past year will exceed 3 billion rubles. The company calls HTML5 games the main driver of the platform’s growth.You can get acquainted with the full results for all Odnoklassniki services here.

Below we have collected basic information on the games.

General dataThe revenues of game creators in 2020 increased by 62% year-on-year.

  • Payments to the authors of mobile projects for the past year will amount to more than 970 million rubles ($ 13.2 million).
  • Total payments to developers of all games, including desktop, will exceed 3.3 billion rubles ($44.9 million).Developers’ revenues from advertising in games increased by 60% compared to 2019.
  • The daily audience of games on the mobile platform grew by 24.3% year-on-year.
  • The involvement of users was influenced, among other things, by the COVID-19 pandemic.Users of the social network began to spend 32.4% more time in mobile games.
  • It is reported that the total amount per day exceeds 180 years.Odnoklassniki also named the top 10 mobile by user spending for 2020.

  • 1. Kiss and get acquainted2. Pirate Treasures
  • 3. Christmas Tree 2020
  • 4. Valley of Sweets
  • 5. Captain Jack slot machines
  • 6. My farm
  • 7. Fortune Slots
  • 8. Crossword Puzzle
  • 9. Real strawberry
  • 10. The world of Slots
