Korean publisher Nexon sells a mobile studio Gloops. He once bought it for $468 million. But now it gives at a ridiculous price of $ 0.01 — 1 yen.

The latest mobile match-3 from Gloops
The buyer has already been found:

This is GR Drive studio, the author of visual effects for games such as Fate Grand/Order, Kirby Star Allies and Daemon X Machina. Writes about this Gamesindustry.biz .

Nexon acquired Gloops in 2012. According to PocketGamer, it was the most high-profile deal of the year in game development. Nexon believed that the purchase would stimulate its mobile business. By that time, Gloops had created Warriors of Odin and Three Kingdoms Guild Battle and was considered “one of the leading developers of social games for mobile.”

Eight years later, it became clear that Gloops could not consistently generate income. Its net loss over the past three years has amounted to hundreds of millions of yen. Two-year revenue fell by more than 30%.

To rectify the situation, Nexon must spend a lot of resources on studio management. Although Nexon’s turnover has reached $2.3 billion, the maintenance and support of Gloops is “too expensive,” the company said.

Now Nexon wants to invest in MMO, not mobile social games: “The rapid changes in the mobile social games market make their development and operation much more difficult than we initially thought.”

Let’s add that recently the publisher himself unsuccessfully tried to sell his owner Kim Jung Ju (Kim Jung Ju) for $ 11 billion. But he doubted the solvency of the buyers and canceled the auction.

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