The gaming brand MY.GAMES has reported on the results of the first quarter. During the reporting period, the company earned $148 million, which accounted for 39% of all consolidated revenue Group. The lion’s share of earnings still falls on mobile projects.Key data

Revenue of MY.GAMES amounted to 11 billion rubles ($148.4 million) — an increase of 42.2% in annual terms.

  • 79% of the company’s revenue was received outside of Russia and the CIS.
  • The main markets are the USA, Germany and the UK.EBITDA amounted to 1.4 billion rubles ($18.8 million) with a margin of 13.2% — an increase of 165% in annual terms.
  • Data on games and services

The main drivers of growth were the mobile games Grand Hotel Mania, Zero City, War Robots, Left to Survive and Rush Royale.

  • In total, mobile accounted for 78% of all revenue.Warface has reached 114 million players on all platforms — the game still remains in the top 3 in revenue among all MY.GAMES titles.
  • Thanks to the release of Skyforge on the Nintendo Switch, the audience of the free-play MMO has reached 12 million registered users.
  • In the first quarter, MY.GAMES launched PC versions of War Robots, Left to Survive, World Above and Guild of Heroes.
  • They came out in MY.GAMES Store.The revenue of the DonationAlerts donation and stream monetization service doubled in annual terms: the average receipt increased by 25%, and the number of unique payers increased by 37%.
  • However, the company does not disclose exact figures.Paid subscription service for content authors it also showed growth — its cash turnover increased 6 times. MY.GAMES notes that the service is in an active stage of growth, but does not give exact figures.
  • CEO of the company Vasily Maguryan notes that MY.GAMES is now striving to increase its active user base.

This allows us to maintain the record level of revenue that was achieved last year.

The company also continues to invest in other studios and strive to develop expertise in publishing hyper-casual projects. As part of this strategy, MY.GAMES acquired a minority stake in Espresso Publishing and invested in the American studio Pizza Club Games. Together with Google, the company has also organized a Game Drive business accelerator for mobile developers – the second season of the project is scheduled for this year.
