Publisher and developer King has published the results of the 2nd quarter of 2015. For the company, it ended on June 30 with a 14% drop in revenue.


Sales of the author of Candy Crush amounted to $490 million. For comparison, in the previous quarter they reached $570 million.

Along with the decline in income, profits also fall. In the quarter ended, King earned $164 million, which is 27% less than in the previous reporting period.

The company’s revenues are falling amid a decrease in the number of players. The total MAU of King projects decreased by 9% and reached 501 million.

The company explains the deterioration of indicators for obvious reasons: the audience of the most profitable project, Candy Crush Saga, has reached the stage of maturity. And although Candy Crush Soda Saga also regularly hits the top ten highest-grossing games in the App Store and Google Play, it is apparently unable to completely replace the flagship King game.

This is evidenced by the figures provided by the company in the report. Revenue from games other than Candy Crush in the 2nd quarter of 2015 amounted to $324 million. This is the same 14% less than in the previous quarter. Then this amount reached $375 million.


Other materials on the topic:

  • Cross-promotion in Candy Crush Soda SagaKing Loses Paying Players
