Two years after leaving the American NASDAQ exchange, the Chinese publisher of mobile games iDreamSky decided to enter the stock market again.

This time iDreamSky plans to place shares on the Hong Kong HKEX exchange. Writes about this Variety with reference to the draft version of the company’s presentation. Sources of the publication report that in the future, at the current IPO, iDreamSky has a chance to raise about $ 300 million, that is, twice as much as the $142 million received at the IPO when entering NASDAQ.

The company stayed on the American stock exchange for two years before withdrawing from it in 2016 along with a number of other Chinese corporations, including Beijing Perfect World, the publisher of the MMORPG Perfect World, popular in Asia. All these companies decided to reorient themselves to the exchanges of China and Hong Kong.

iDreamSky is now one of the five largest game publishers at home: the company’s portfolio includes 55 titles, including local rights to Subway Surfers, one of the most popular mobile games in the world.

At the end of December, the MAU of the company’s games was 125 million active users. iDreamSky’s financial indicators are growing: revenue for 2017 increased by 12% to $277 million (1.76 billion yuan), profit increased by 40% to $37.5 million (238 million yuan).

The main shareholder of iDreamSky is the president of the company Chen Xiangyu, 24% of the company belongs to the Chinese giant Tencent, another 4% belongs to the investment fund Prometheus Capital.

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