The Israeli mobile commerce network Todacell has launched the Todaself platform, which allows mobile application developers to launch their own advertising campaign on their own, the Venturebeat resource reports.


The campaign can be optimized according to the target audience, the geography of users, the tender price and many other indicators, – the authors of the platform claim.

The platform, which has an audience of more than 250 million users, can also be used to obtain analytical data. For example, with its help, it has already been possible to track an interesting correlation between the success of the application, the colors in which it is designed, and the GDP of the country in which it is implemented. So, in countries with low GDP, multicolored, bright applications are in great demand, while where GDP is high, users prefer monochrome or a minimalistic color palette.

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The company develops software that allows you to create advertising campaigns, as well as manage and optimize them. Todacell is headquartered in Tel Aviv.
