Robert Woolfrey, Managing director of Millennial Media in Southeast Asia, told his company’s blog about the three main trends in the mobile advertising market. 


Robert WolfreyIn his article, he wrote mainly about the Asia-Pacific region, but it seems to us that this is not only relevant for him now. 

1. Video advertising boomIt can be explained by two points:

Firstly, the high penetration of mobile devices and high-speed mobile Internet, which turns almost any gadget into a portable TV. Modern TV, in turn, is not conceivable without advertising. 

Secondly, mobile video advertising allows much more than the usual video advertising that can be seen on TV or on the web. According to Robert, “mobile video allows brands to rethink the relationship between the viewer, content, device and, directly, entertainment.” It not only tells about the brand, it can be interactive, moreover, with its help the user can earn. 

A great example is the latest Rovio – Retry game, in which you can either pay a collected gold coin or watch an advertisement to save on checkpoints in missions. Since the game is very complex, the user constantly returns to viewing ads. 

And a few numbers: according to eMarketer, the effectiveness of mobile video for those over 21 is very high, compared to TV and online video. Mobile video advertising generates basic returns at the level of 79%, while for TV – this parameter is 49%, and for online – only 29%.

2. Automation of the purchase and purchase of advertising inventory One of the key technologies for automated purchase and purchase of advertising is the exchange of advertisements – RTB. 

One of its main advantages is that the advertiser does not buy an advertising space (which may not bring the desired exhaust), but specific users selected automatically under the criteria set by the advertiser (by interests, location, etc.).

This reduces risks and, in theory, advertising costs. 

About what RTB is on the web, you can read good material here.

3. Tracking resultsHaving the right audience does not guarantee that you understand it and, more importantly, you will be able to make money on it.


To understand the habits of users (collecting information about them, their behavioral patterns), a very advanced toolkit is needed today, which will allow tracking the preferences and habits of users through several devices at once using logs in social networks. Plus, it makes it possible to track the efficiency of ongoing campaigns through certain advertising channels.

A source: http://www.millennialmedia.com
