Facebook has started testing a hidden likes counter. Because of this, the promotion of games in the social network can be very complicated.

Facebook follows Instagram’s example, which is already testing a hidden “Like” counter in several countries. The bottom line is as follows: only the owner of the profile who published it will be able to see likes near the record.

According to TechCrunch, Facebook is conducting internal testing of this feature in its Android application. Users are not affected by this yet.

Hidden likes have several advantages. According to a Facebook representative, the social network seeks to “protect people from the envy of others.” In addition, users will no longer need to delete posts that, in their opinion, have not received enough likes. The initiative is also beneficial to Facebook itself. Its users are dissatisfied with the fact that their posts on the social network collect few likes, and switch to other resources.

But the innovation can harm gaming companies and individual developers on Facebook. The level of community engagement risks decreasing, because the audience will not see how much the announcement of a new game or update is interesting to others.

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