We can consider this post the sixth myth in Oleg’s list hereThe essence of the Myth: It is enough to optimize the name and keywords for certain words and we will start receiving search traffic from the Appstore search

I want to clarify this point.Example:

The game is called Figasters

Keywords tower,defense,….

Every day we have 25-30 downloads. We are absent from the tops. It is in the search results only for Figasters.

So, if we “optimize the name for a search engine” and put something like Magic tower defense: Figasters in the name, then this move will not take you to the TOP of the SEARCH for combinations from “tower, defense” – but it will open the doors to this top for you. In order to start receiving traffic based on search results, it is necessary to “Pour gravy”, i.e. generate downloads. Only after that the application will rise in the search results. And then it will start receiving search traffic.

As has been said many times – each category has a level of competition, but there is also a volume of traffic that it gives. Similarly, with search phrases – each phrase gets traffic, but also sets a limit on the “required available number of downloads” in order to get into the top search results for this phrase.

How to determine the “level of necessary downloads” to get into the search results for a specific word. Unfortunately, only by eye. But it’s possible.

  1. The easiest way is to see who is “sitting” on the 5th-7th place in the search results for the store of interest (by geography).
  2. Discharged and go to the same appannie.com and we look at what positions they occupy in what categories. For each – specify the position and category. Do not forget that you need to look at exactly the geographical store that we are targeting.
  3. After that, you need to “estimate” how much traffic you need to have in order to take these positions – we use this report from distimo It gives data for the 25th place… But take a peek – this is a good starting point.
  4. And We output approximately the maximum number of downloads for all three studied. This will be the threshold for entering the search results. And IT is IMPORTANT – do not hope that if the threshold is “about 1000 downloads”, then you will get this thousand back when you get into the search results. But on the other hand, you are fighting for keywords at once for a pack and not for one… 

And also – do not try to break into the search results, where there are clearly pumped guys sitting in the TOP5 of their category… 

And at the end – use a simple rule: It is desirable to include the word / phrase for which you are fighting both in the name and in the keywords.