On May 31, the First Mobile Application & Technology Expo (MATE) congress exhibition in Russia, dedicated to business in mobile networks, came to an end.

The event was held for two days at the Moscow ARTPLAY Design Center, bringing together more than 800 specialists on one site, who unanimously stated: the mobile application market in Russia is expecting a “BOOM”!

video: MATE-2013: The mobile revolution has happened!

For the first time in the history of the Russian mobile application industry, MATE-2013 gathered mobile market professionals to share experiences and discuss the most pressing issues of the industry. Especially for the convenience of MATE participants and visitors, Smile-Expo has organized four effective formats for communication: an exhibition, a conference, a Speed Dealing platform, a career pavilion “MATE a CAREER”.

During the event, the participants of the MATE conference listened to more than 50 reports on various aspects of creating mobile applications: from trends in the application market to features of monetization and promotion.

Experts noted that in 2011 alone, the mobile device market amounted to 1.8 billion units, worth more than $1 trillion. By 2015, the market for devices that exchange data over the Internet will amount to almost 4 billion pcs. Smartphone sales have left computers far behind.

General trends suggest that traditional social networks are giving way to mobile applications. And there are a number of reasons for this:

  • mobile Internet is cheaper and more popular than stationary;
  • mobile devices are becoming more accessible;
  • more and more people perceive their phone as a part of themselves;
  • users prefer to share moments of life right here and now;
  • a supernova explosion of mobile advertising;
  • the growth of the purchasing power of the mobile audience;
  • There is no mobile revolution in the USA and Europe. It has already happened! Russia is next in line.

Speakers of the conference were: Alexander Nosov (Aviasales.ru ), Mikhail Maly (Mail.ru ), Mikhail Geisherik (GRAPE), Alexey Shtatnov (iD-east) Pavel Plotnikov and Vyacheslav Medvedev (Dr. Web), Denis Maslennikov (Kaspersky Lab), Max Gaker (QIWI), Ramin Aliyev (RBC Money), Yuri Dolzhenko (Google Inc.), Ivan Kostrov (MobiAds), Valentin Savelyev (2Gis), Irina Grandel (ivi.ru ), Andrey Filatov (NARR8), Andrey Sudarikov (PlayDisplay), Alexandra Sidorina (Dynamic Pixels) and many others.

The speakers presented many relevant cases on working with mobile applications: general trends in the market of mobile devices and technologies; mobile advertising; viral promotion of games, e-commerce mobilization tools; how to get into the TOP 1 in the App Store; mobile services for offline stores; mobile applications in the corporate and banking sector and much more.

The visitors had the opportunity to communicate with all the speakers and ask them questions.

Among the exhibitors represented at the exhibition, the stands of the following companies were the most popular: Playdisplay, HelpLine, Poloniumarts, 2 Gis, Unicum e, Eski.mobi , Mobiads, Ess e ntial C ommerce, My-apps, Get Taxi.

The exhibition participants presented a wide range of new products:

  • effective solutions for Internet commerce: Cardomat, MySiteCalls.me , iSpeakVideo, MarketBook from Ess e ntial C ommerce
  • design, design, development and testing for mobile devices (Poloniumarts)
  • high-quality mobile applications, multimedia presentations and digital magazines for smartphones and tablets (Tamzap).
  • the largest mobile advertising network in Russia is Mobiads.
  • My-apps online constructor, which allows you to create your own mobile application in just a few clicks without any special skills
  • innovative taxi ordering service for smartphones Get Taxi.
  • development of Navitel mapping software, as well as services for automotive navigation, focused on the markets of Russia, CIS countries, Europe and Asia.
  • mobile automation of restaurants, parks, hotels HelpLine
  • marketing and promotion of mobile applications, games Unicum e.
  • and many others.

25 representatives from startups and 5 from venture and investment companies met at the Speed Dealing platform.

The most promising investors noted:

  • Artur Manukyan, representing the RoundCover project, a provider of extended warranty services for gadgets, electronics and home appliances
  • Dmitry Ioffe, developer of a mobile application for universities, where you can view the study schedule of the group, teachers and friends from other educational institutions
  • Anatoly Konukhov, representative of the Eltechs project. Eltechs is a unique cross-architectural virtualization that allows you to make software incompatible with new ARM servers compatible.

Anton, Speed Dealing participant: I learned about Speed Dealing at an event (SNCE ed.) organized by Smile Expo. I came today to introduce the Click and travel online booking system for tourists. I think everyone’s chances are equal, although from the tourism sector – I’m the only one here. We have an idea that has already been implemented abroad. It lies on the surface. I think that if I tell the whole mechanism of work step by step, my proposal will be successful.”

The leading head-hunters of the country gathered at the career stand for developers “MATE a CAREER”:

  • Headhunter is the largest career–building website in Runet for qualified specialists and managers;

  • HRVision – professional selection of mid- and senior-level specialists in foreign and Russian companies;

  • ITmozg is the only specialized resource in Russia for finding IT employees;

  • Association of HR Consultants. AKPP is the largest and most authoritative professional association of recruiters in the territory of the Russian Federation and CIS countries.

Among the visitors of the exhibition, employees were also sought by large development companies, such as Navitel and Appreal.

Marina Dorofeeva, Generalist recruiter: “For us, such industry events are a great place for cooperation, search and recruitment for companies. We work in different fields, but the IT and finance market is one of the main sectors.”

The outcome of the exhibition showed that mobile applications are the future, and MATE is an ideal platform for exchanging ideas and demonstrating new solutions.

We are waiting for you again at the Mobile Application & Technology Expo on April 17-18, 2014. in the Central Hall of ARTPLAY. Come, get acquainted and build a long-term business strategy, MATE will help you with this!