October 15, 2013

– Saint Petersburg, Russia – i-Free Business Solutions, a division of iFree company implementing mobile banking solutions, organized a business brunch for banking specialists “Effective mobile communications in the financial sector“. Professionals of the banking sector and employees of iFree Business Solutions in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, over a cup of coffee, discussed modern innovative products based on mobile technologies designed for banks.The meeting took place at the Sheraton Palace Hotel in Moscow and gathered more than 20 representatives of leading Russian and foreign banks: Alfa-Bank, Bank of Moscow, VTB24, Vozrozhdenie, Petrocommerce, Renaissance Credit, Russian Standard, Citibank, etc.

The participants of the meeting discussed the advanced trends of mobile banking, and also got acquainted with the cases that successfully solve the problem of improving communications between the bank and its customers.

Commenting on the brunch, Victoria Podunova, Director of the i-Free Business Solutions Department, said: “Such meetings are very important for the mobile banking market, because we not only inform banking professionals about modern technologies, but also evaluate the prospects of these technologies together with them. Informal dialogue over a morning cup of coffee, in a pleasant atmosphere, helps us to better understand the real needs of banks, their expectations from mobile services, so we plan to hold such events regularly.”

At the business brunch, i-Free Business Solutions experts introduced banking specialists to the modern SMS communications management system – Fastgate, talked about the security of mobile data transmission channels, as well as alternative tools for communication with customers based on mobile technologies.

Alexey Markachev, Business Development Manager at i-Free Business Solutions, presented the capabilities of the i-Free Fastgate SMS gateway, which allows you to effectively manage all SMS activities of the bank in one system.

Anton Baranov, Director of Business Development at i-Free Business Solutions, spoke about new technological opportunities relevant to banks: voice mailings based on TTS (Text-To-Speech) technology and campus NFC solutions for bank salary projects.

The meeting also discussed legislative aspects of the SMS market – in particular, the policy of mobile operators in connection with the adoption of amendments to the Law “On Communications”. Victoria Podunova spoke about the upcoming changes in the work of mobile operators and leading SMS aggregators in the fight against SMS spam, and also suggested several strategies that will help banks maintain the effectiveness of SMS communications with their customers.

Then i-Free Business Solutions specialists answered the questions of the meeting participants in detail. During the lively dialogue, all the important issues of mobile banking that are of concern to banking professionals today were discussed.

The business brunch ended with a pleasant surprise: three prizes were raffled off among the participants of the meeting – an iPad mini, a Kindle e–reader and an elite French cognac. The prizes went to representatives of the banks “Vozrozhdenie”, “Summer Bank” and “Mosoblbank”: Pavel Myachin, Yulia Usenko and Alexander Sychev.

A photo report from the business brunch “Effective mobile communications in the financial sector” can be found here.



i-Free is a Russian innovative company that has been operating in the CIS market since 2001, and in the international market since 2006. Specializes in the creation and implementation of innovative projects in the field of mobile and NFC technologies, electronic finance, digital content distribution, electronic payment systems and micropayments, the development of applications for smartphones and new network devices, as well as the promotion of digital products in the B2C market and the implementation of B2B projects in the field of mobile marketing.

The company is represented and successfully operates in international markets: i-Free offices are located in Kiev (Ukraine), Minsk (Belarus), Almaty (Kazakhstan), Mumbai (India), Beijing (China), Sao Paulo (Brazil). I-Free products and services are delivered today to more than 100 countries around the world.

I-Free headquarters is located in St. Petersburg, the representative office is in Moscow. Currently, the company employs more than 750 people.

i-Free cooperates with leading mobile operators in Russia and CIS countries, global mobile equipment vendors, banks, multinational brands and trademarks, major media holdings, publishing houses and Internet resources. 

More detailed information about the company on the website www.i-free.comFor more information, please contact:


Aelita Davydova,

Tel. + 7 (495) 984 90 01

e-mail: pr@i-free.com