KSK-SOFT has started software development – a GAMING PORTAL through which players will be able to trade on the Forex exchange.
The client part of the site, accessible to a wide range of users, will include the following pages:
- home page;
- games;
- forum and communities;
- contact information and offer;
- login to your personal account.
The structure of the portal will consist of the following parts:
- Back office
- Trading Server
- Risk Management Unit
Portal functionality:
- Receiving and registering orders from clients.
According to the trading scenario, customer requests should be analyzed.
Fixing and execution of transactions.
Maintaining a client portfolio. The trading server must be synchronized with the clients’ accounts, and perform operations of crediting / debiting funds. The client’s funds are under constant control, for which the risk management system is responsible.
Exchange of information with the risk management program. The trading server, based on the orders received from the risk management system, decides to close customer positions, block accounts and withdraw the broker’s own orders to the exchange for hedging. Here risk management acts as a kind of bidder. The server itself, in turn, reports on each completed transaction.
Transfer of information to the back office. The back office program, receiving information from the trading server, tracks the movement of funds for reporting.
The trading server synchronizes 2 accounts. The first is directly from the broker from which the trade is conducted. The second one is located in the portal system. Transactions on the second are reflected in the first, having passed the adjustment procedure.
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