In 2018, the esports market reached $926.3 million in revenue, and by 2023, industry revenues will grow to $2.17 billion, according to the analytical company Research and Markets.

The main sources of income of the industry: ticket sales, merchandising, sponsorship contracts, advertising. The main earnings come from the broadcast rights.

Analysts estimate the average annual growth rate of the market at 18.6%. This pace is directly related to the growing popularity of games in general and public awareness of the esports industry in particular.

The market could grow faster if it were not for investors’ concerns about such phenomena as betting and gambling, R&M notes.

R&M is more restrained in its forecast than other analytical companies. For example, according to R&M, by 2021 the esports market will be estimated at $ 1.55 billion, and according to analysts from Newzoo — $ 1.65 billion. And Superdata predicts that in 2022 the market will overcome the $2.3 billion mark.

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