INDIE GAME CUP is a competition-championship of game projects of independent teams, which is held for the first time in June this year by Nevosoft as part of the White Nights 2015 conference.

Who can participate?

Any game projects that have already reached the alpha version can take part in the project (the game includes the full range of functionality, but partial absence of content and errors are allowed) from independent teams.

The platform of the game can be any. In other words, both mobile, browser-based and social games, as well as projects developed with an eye to distribution within the PS Store, Xbox Live, Steam or . We will also be glad to have client MMO.

How is it conducted?

The championship will be held in two stages:

  • As part of the first stage, the editorial board he will choose 10-15 best projects.
  • As part of the second stage, the jury of the competition will vote on the winners in three categories: best art, best game design and best story. Another project will receive the grand prize – the Grand Prix.

Who is judging?

Also before summing up the results of the championship on June 27 on the pages publications about the best projects will appear.


Participation in the championship is paid – $ 50. But if the team participates in the developer exhibition at White Nights 2015, then it will not need to pay. To participate in the exhibition, you need to pass an appruv (it’s free).

  • You can apply for participation in the developer exhibition here.
  • You can pay for participation in the championship, if you do not participate in the developers’ exhibition, here (you will receive a link to register the game in an email).

Just below, as we have already written, publications about the best projects will be pulled up!