Today Sony XDev Europe announced the game Run Sackboy! Run. In addition to the PS Vita, the game unexpectedly comes out on iOS and Android. The hero of the LittleBigPlanet spin-off will be the same sakboy.


In this series, he will try to escape from the Negativitron, bypassing the Gardens, Canyons and Avalonia familiar from the first issues on his way. In the description of Run Sackboy! Run! there is no word “runner”: the creators speak of it as a “survival game”. Nevertheless, the hero runs nonstop all the way, and we all know what this genre is called.U Run Sackboy!

Run! there are a couple of trump cards up your sleeve: constantly opening access to new missions and a tournament board. So if you’re playing with friends, you can compare whose sakboy is cooler. And then post the results on Facebook.Fans of the series should like that the collection of stickers collected in the game will open access to unique costumes in LBP3 (on PS3 and PS4).

Run Sackboy!

Run! It will be released on to Vita, iOS, and Android in October this year.A source:

