Dungelot 2

Recently, Dungelot 2 from the Russian Red Winter Software team returned to the App Store after a long absence. We talked with one of the creators of the project, Dmitry Mitrofanov, about how the project has changed in recent months.


Dmitry MitrofanovHi!

What has been changed in the project?First of all, we tried to fix all the bugs that our users found.

At least, the most critical ones. However, with further alteration, many errors fell off by themselves (but new ones appeared). 

A number of decisions were radical in nature. I didn’t like some aspects of the gameplay tied to micropayments, the general congestion of the menu. I wanted to be able to sit down and play right away, so that the game was as intuitive and understandable as possible. I can’t say that we have achieved all the tasks set in the new version, but judging by the reviews, we have come close to the ideal. 

To do this, we: 

  • Simplified the start menu interface, made it larger, signed all the buttons;
  • added level leveling to heroes (now you can increase health, armor and starting mana);
  • we have made it possible to select artifacts, which now either give a passive bonus, or can be used once; 
  • monsters with unique abilities throw a card with a curse on the field that can be dispelled for mana;
  • added a pet dragon to the game;
  • we added an interactive tutorial to the game, which can be turned on again if necessary, as well as a small game encyclopedia with basic explanations of the game
  • and a lot of other things. 

The game, in general, has become closer to the first part.


Why did you leave free-to-play?F2P is a big word.

In fact, I think we have a free game with a couple of optional micropayments (and the ability to remove a strip of energy by paying just once). It’s just an attempt to attract as large an audience as possible.

I noticed that in the new version you abandoned the hearts of monsters in the project, why?The rejection of monster hearts is a simplification of the combat system.

You see the power of the monster. You click on him and kill him, and he removes your health by x points. If the monster dodged, then it loses 50% of its original strength. If the enemy has armor, then 1 unit of monster protection is removed by tap. If possible, you should try to weaken the enemy before the attack to lose less health. The game has become more dynamic from this.

I see! Thanks for the interview!An interview about the history of the company and the development of the game can be read here.
