Bungie shared Destiny user statistics in honor of the sixth anniversary of the series. During this time, 167 million people have played the luther shooter.Basic figures
- Over six years, players have spent 8.6 billion hours in Destiny;The most popular classes are Hunter (38%), Warlock (31%) and Titan (31%);
- during the existence of the project, the players helped raise $ 8.5 million for charity.
- Bungie thanked the players for their support, recalled the release of the Beyond the Light add-on on November 10 and shared a recipe for a birthday cake.
The original Destiny was released on September 9, 2014 on consoles of the previous and current generations. In the first year, Bungie’s project attracted 25 million people.
In 2017, a sequel was released, online which in a few days since its release has surpassed the mark of 1.2 million players.
Last year Destiny 2 switched to a fritupley model. This could significantly affect the growth of the popularity of the shooter.
- Paid loot boxes with random rewards will disappear from Destiny 2Half of Destiny 2’s audience plays it on PC
- Minecraft and Destiny are the best—selling new IP of the decade in the UK
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