GDEV (formerly Nexters) has summed up the financial results of the third quarter and the first nine months of 2023. We chose the main thing from the report.

Indicators for the third quarter:

  • GDEV's revenue was $121 million. It decreased by 5% year-on-year, but increased by 6% compared to the previous quarter;
  • GDEV's profit reached $24 million. This is a quarter less than a year ago, but 20% more than in the previous quarter;
  • receipts fell by 6% compared to last year and amounted to $102 million;
  • 63% of the revenue came from mobile platforms, 37% from PC;
  • The USA is still responsible for most of the revenues (35%). Next are Europe (26%) and Asia (23%);
  • the average revenue from a paying user was $84. In the third quarter of 2022, they were $113;
  • the number of monthly paying users is 375 thousand people. Growth by 23% in annual terms;
  • advertising and marketing expenses doubled over the year to $43 million, gaming operating expenses increased by 19% to $12 million, general/administrative expenses decreased by 45% to $7 million;
  • the share of deductions to platforms (App Store, Google Play and others) decreased by 23% in annual terms. It amounted to $28 million.

Indicators for January-September:

  • the company's revenue amounted to $355 million. It decreased by 7% compared to revenue in 2022;
  • profit for the year decreased by 58% to $35 million;
  • receipts totaled $316 million, down 9% year-on-year;
  • as in the third quarter, 63% of revenues came from mobile, and 37% from PC;
  • The regional distribution of revenues is as follows: USA — 36%, Europe - 25%, Asia - 24%;
  • the average revenue from a paying user is $85. Last year they were $108;
  • the number of monthly paying users is 383 thousand people. Growth by 13% in annual terms;
  • the most significant item of the company's expenses for the period was marketing together with advertising. GDEV spent $172 million (+53%) on this. Operating expenses for games amounted to $39 million (+27%), and general/administrative expenses amounted to $22 million (-21%);
  • the share of deductions to platforms amounted to $84 million. This is 20% less than last year.

GDEV also spoke about the success of the games:

  • receipts in the mobile Hero Wars: Alliance reached $1.2 billion, in the desktop Hero Wars: Dominion Era — $350 million;
  • The Island Hoppers farm simulator in softlonch (November 2021 — October 2023) collected more than $30 million in receipts and 12 million downloads;
  • The mobile version of Pixel Gun 3D has been downloaded 185 million times. Its receipts are over $200 million. The PC version of the game, which is scheduled for release in the first quarter of 2024, has collected 260 thousand vishlist on Steam.

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