What unites Tap Titants and Nonstop Knight, how to manage online projects, why Mail.Ru Group is a division for creating experimental games, – in our selection of the main materials of the week.


Release of the Day: Nonstop Knight

Reliz-dnya-Nonstop-KnightWhat is common between Tap Titants and Nonstop Knight, which has received 2 million downloads in the last 4 days, we will analyze in our latest review.

Basics of operating online projects

Osnovy-operirovaniya-onlajn-proektovYou can find out about the main pillars of operating online games in our material based on the motive of Vyacheslav Utochkin’s speech, who participated in the operation of Perfect World in Russia and the launch of “Armored Warfare: Armata Project”.

Mail.Ru Group has opened a division for the creation of experimental games

MailRu-Group-otkry-la-podrazdelenie-po-sozdaniyu-e-ksperimental-ny-h-igrThe Russian Internet giant has announced the launch of a gaming direction that is looking for new niches and genres. The head of the new division, Oleg Shpilchevsky, commented on the news for App2Top.

Unity: “We are trying to become the only option for those who create in the digital space”

UnityWhy there are no AAA projects on Unity, what is the difference between the new subscription plans for the engine and why it is easier to find a job with the Unity certificate,” Clive Downie, marketing director at Unity, told our resource.

Ubisoft has closed the co-authors of Rayman Adventures and Child of Light

Ubisoft-zakry-la-soavtorov-Rayman-Adventures-i-Child-of-LightUbisoft studio in Casablanca, with 48 employees, ceases its work 18 years after its foundation. Why?