Stories of creating icons for Chillingo games; a brief analysis of the flight of economies in large MMO; “womgla” from the chief designer of Ultima Online and Star Wars Galaxies – in our night selection.

Mobile Game Icons: Perfecting the Fingertip-Sized First ImpressionChillingo told Mashable how the company drew icons for its three latest projects: Mega Dead Pixel, Modern Command and Simian Interface.

The most interesting thing in the material is not the little stories of Chillingo CEO Ed Rumley, but sketches of icons.

Economic Research on MMORPGS: A Quick OverviewAnders Drachen, as a rule, writes a lot, but does not reach specifics in his materials.

But we still advise you to pay attention to his latest material on economic research in MMO games. This should be done for two reasons: firstly, the text contains references to scientific research on the economics of MMO (one, for example, leads to a volume of Knowledge map of the virtual economy by Wili Lehdonvirty and Mirko Ernqvist); secondly, Anders leads readers to an important idea about the unusually wide possibilities that today, marketers have it. With the array of data that gaming companies have in their hands, it is possible not only to find out at what point it is better to put an advertising banner.

The Financial Future of Game DevelopersRaph Koster, the chief designer of Ultima Online and Star Wars Galaxies, wrote a great article that, to be honest, has little to do with the financial future of game developers.

Rather, it is about the financial present, about the consolidation of platforms that are now both publishers and distributors of products, that mobile publishers do not want to take risks, that mobile games do not pay off because the mobile market is hit-driven. At the end of the article, Raf comes to the conclusion that working on games is the least protected of creative works in general.

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