Summer is usually considered a “dead” season, they say, nothing important is happening, everyone is either at the sea, or they are going to go to it. It seems that you can take a breath and not think about work or think, but not so much. This summer is clearly not one of those. For what week in a row, the industrial infosphere has been blown up by big events. And last week was no exception. So let’s quickly run through the most important ones. 

Yahoo bought Flurry

The week began cheerfully: on Monday, Secret, which suddenly became one of the main sources of information about the affairs in the industry, reported that Yahoo was buying Flurry. The information was immediately picked up by the leading media, and the next day the deal was officially confirmed. 

Why – you can guess for a long time, but it seems to us that Yahoo needed the deal, which is estimated at at least $ 300 million, for two reasons. Firstly, good inhouse analytics will help the search engine to deal with more than 430 million mobile users. Secondly, this is a very status purchase, increasing Yahoo’s presence in the mobile sphere. 

The Russian mobile games market was estimated at $165 million

The week continued with a cautious forecast Mail.Ru Group and Newzoo, who estimated the domestic mobile games market at not very serious $165 million. This is with an audience of 33.8 million people, which, according to company experts, pay for games much less often than the Chinese (28% versus 50% with something). It turned out to be nonsense to us, because, according to Newzoo, even in the USA they pay less – 45%.


Google confirms purchase of Twitch for $1 billion

In fact, the deal and the amount were known back in May. But its confirmation by “verified sources” occurred only after the signing of the contract between the two companies. The latter do not comment on this whole matter. 

Why did Google need one of the most popular streaming gaming services with a MAU of more than 50 million? Everything is simple here. Firstly, it removes (or rather, absorbs) one of the main competitors of YouTube in the segment of game broadcasts, and secondly, it acquires an excellent advertising platform. 

How much do they pay in post-Soviet game development?

Thanks to a survey by Sergey Galenkin, Senior Analyst Wargaming.net it turned out how much, on average, people earn in the gaming field in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. In short, it is much better than in general, for example, in Russia, although much less than many for some reason believe. Apparently, they are based on how much companies like Supercell and GungHo earn per day.

In fact, the sample is small, and therefore it is difficult to say how representative it is. 


The main game releases of last week

For me personally, the main “gaming” event was the release of the Angry Birds Transformers video, which is very crazy and leaves a lot of questions after watching (yes, the gameplay is still not shown).

Seriously, if we talk about game releases, then a week passed on them was not particularly generous. There are two that should be noted: Modern Combat 5: Blackout and Curse of Naxxramas, an extension to Hearthstone. 

Of the releases that could easily pass you by, but are worth attention – this is the first Canabalt update in three years, which added local multiplayer, a map and 8 new game mods to the game. Recall that Canabalt is the first game in the runner genre. 
