The gaming industry lacks its own Oscars. Of course, there is a BAFTA, there is an IAA, but, firstly, they usually cover only the “big” industry, and secondly, they rather have a b2c orientation.

It’s too early to compare the annual Unity Awards with the Oscars, but at the moment it occupies a niche of famous events, where not only cash console titles, but also mobile and social projects can become winners. 

What’s all this about?

Today Unity announced that registration has begun for participation in the Unity Awards 2014 competition program, which will be held on August 21 in Seattle as part of the Unite 2014 conference.

As Natalia Sviridova, Marketing Director of Unity Technologies in Russia, told us: “Unity Awards 2104 is a great event and a great opportunity for developers to announce themselves and their projects to the widest international audience, to establish contacts in promising markets around the world.”

There are eight categories this year. Among them are such as Best Student Project, Best 2D Visual Experience and Community Choice. You can apply only to those teams whose project has officially been released / will be released within the time period of July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014. 

The application can be left here.

What do you think, will you participate?

A source: http://blogs.unity3d.com
