All publications by tag «indiedev»


The game journalist has been making the game for 3 years and 9 months. 100 thousand people have played it on Steam alone

On February 6, in an interview with Gamasutra, the author of the Gunpoint stealth platformer Tom Francis admitted that it took him almost 4 years to develop his second game, the space indie bagel Heat Signature. He does not plan to delay the work like this anymore. But on Steam, the approximate circulation of Heat Signature for the first four months amounted to 100 thousand copies.

“Indie games are damn cheap”: Sergey Galenkin on the wrong pricing policy of small teams

Why indie developers should stop lowering the price tags for their games and take advantage of the experience of the creator of The Witness, – Sergey Galenkin, the author of Steam Spy and the main publisher of Epic Games in Eastern Europe, told on the pages of his English–language blog. publishes a translation of the material with the kind permission of the author.

“Indie, in order to survive, it is necessary to realize maximum possibilities”: interview with the author of Slash Arena about launching a WebGL game on mobile, web and PC at once

In August last year, independent developer Alexander Simakhin released the Slash Arena MMO game he made alone as a WebGL application on social networks. Today, August 3, 2017, the game was released on Steam in early access. I asked Alexander about the fate of the project and whether it is now possible to create games alone and earn money from it.