Mark Pincus, founder and former CEO of Zynga, is launching a new project. This is a “factory” of startups called Superlabs. Pinkus is going to finance it from his own funds.

According to Pinkus, during his time at Zynga, he has accumulated a lot of ideas that he is going to implement with the help of his new project.

In addition to Mark Pinkus, the Superlabs team includes Paypal co-founder Max Levchin, StumbleUpon and Uber co-founder Garrett Camp and Kevin Rose, Digg founder and Google Ventures partner.

“I am sure that there is an opportunity [to create a popular project], because mobile technologies have changed the balance of forces in the market and created many areas that require innovation,” Pincus said, referring to the changes that have occurred in the industry in the last decade. “Now is the right time to create something new.”



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