To increase revenue from mobile applications, Google is going to give developers the opportunity to create lightweight versions of their products, writes The Information.

Google планирует внедрить в Play Store институт демо-версий

The growth of technical capabilities of devices, high-quality standards for mobile games and applications, requirements for content from users, as well as high competition in the application market – all together led to a significant increase in the size of distributions. 

At the same time, telecom operators were not ready for this in all regions of the world. The cost of Internet traffic, even in developed countries, is still relatively high (at least much higher than wired), not to mention the speed. 

This dichotomy, which directly affects the growth rate of the total number of downloads, also limits the growth rate of revenue from mobile markets. If the user cannot afford to download an application weighing more than a certain size, the developer loses money on it, losing not so much even a potential paying user as money from the impressions that the player could provide. 

Actually, it is for this reason that we are now seeing a situation of direct dependence of the size of the application and the number of its downloads.

Google is trying to solve this problem by developing a technology through which users will be able to download a small introductory distribution, after which they will decide whether to spend money on additional traffic to download the full version of the program.

